So I managed to do it. Painful people ask? Ermmm of course it's bloody painful what do you expect from someone jabbing you with 5 mini...
Having an IV and vitamin boosts for the sake of it.
This is a funny one really, is it a cosmetic treatment? Is it needed? Is it addictive? Who knows but it's a weird but wonderful world,...
Taking a Small Class of Smalls.
So after my TESOL course which I challenged my self to just for a challenge and had no thought (at the beginning) of it becoming a money...
Next Up is the Tattoo.
UN-CHALLENGED 15th Nov - sorry for the delay in updating but when you have to work, party, entertain and look after a small one it's not...
Designing and Having shoes made.
I know this is a lame one but I love shoes and have never had a pair made. Once my now husband then boyfriend nearly got shoes made in...
Nov 06th 2016 - OK so the update from this blog is we did complete the Spartan but with 6 girls, still vey good and a 1hr 05 minute...
HIgh Fiving whilst Running through Central of HK.
I never thought I was a high fiver but living in Hong Kong and with all the Australian influence you just can't help but try it. High...
YOGA - A set of physical and mental exercises, originally from India, intended to give control over the body and mind. YOGA with husband...
Going Back to School!!
So this is going back to school (Challenge One) and learning.. wait for it....... ENGLISH!!!! WHAT! I hear you say.. He he but there is...
Finishing and Publishing my Website.
So we are "LIVE" yay finally only 5 years from starting out I have a complete....For now, obviously there is room for improvement, but...